We raise Icelandic sheep, a heritage breed that is hardy and well-suited to Alberta’s climate. Due to their smaller frame and large rumen (gut), they are also a great match for grass-finishing in our short growing season. We breed our ewes seasonally, producing spring lambs that are raised on pasture, grass hay and their mothers’ milk, to produce a gourmet, delicately flavoured meat. Icelandic sheep are also renowned for their wool, growing beautiful fleeces in a variety of natural colours and patterns.
We sell our best lambs - demonstrating superior growth, vigor and conformation - as breeding stock to others who want to include Icelandic sheep on their farm or homestead. Our genetics are sourced from Tideview Farm (BC), Ferme Le Biscornu (QC) and Sunhome Farm (AB). Pedigrees can be found on the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation website:
Please contact us to be placed on our waitlist for breeding stock. Each year, we lamb in May and contact prospective customers in June/July, in the order in which they contacted us. At this time lambs may be selected (in person or remotely) and reserved with a deposit, for pick-up in July or August. Our 2024 lambs are priced at $500 for breeding quality stock (registration included) and $450 for pet quality stock (purebred, not registered).